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What is Key Club?

Key Club is the oldest and largest service program for high school students. It is a student-led organization that teaches leadership through service to others. Members of the Kiwanis International family, Key Club members build themselves as they build their schools and communities. Key Club has approximately 250,000 members in approximately 5,000 clubs. 

Key Club Mountains

Where is Key Club?

The International Office is in Indianapolis, Indiana, at 3636 Woodview Trace.
Key Club is represented in 45 nations.

What is Key Club Week?

Key Club Week is usually the first week of November, which is also Kiwanis Family Month. During Key Club Week, clubs are encouraged to spread the word about Key Club by participating in themed days. This includes inviting friends to meetings, planning special service projects and promoting each club’s activities locally.


When is Key Club International Convention?

The Key Club International convention occurs annually in June or July. The purpose of the convention is to elect the international officers, review accomplishments of the past year and set policies for the coming year. New programs are
announced and national speakers participate. Members from every club should attend each year.


What are district conventions?

At district conventions, which happen each spring, Key Club members elect new student leaders, learn about new service projects, meet other Key Club members, and attend interactive workshops. Each district convention is held annually and
usually lasts two days.


How much are member dues?

Key Club International’s annual dues are $10.00. In addition, each district charges a varying amount for annual dues; the Rocky Mountain District dues are $7.00.  Additionally each club may charge dues, as determined by the club.


How can I find a Key Club?

Ask around to see if your school already has a Key Club. You also can check out Key Club district and division websites. Many clubs have pages on Facebook. Or, you can call Member Services at 800-KIWANIS, ext. 411 or 317-875-8755. ext. 411.


How do I start a Key Club?

If your school doesn’t already have a Key Club and you wish to start up your own club, go here. You’ll find resources to help you find members, build a club website and charter your club.


Are there any minimums for involvement in a Key Club?

Many clubs utilize a point system in which members earn points for attending meetings and projects. A best practice is the 50-hour rule: Every Key Club member should be willing to undertake 50 hours of service each year. (Throughout the organization, millions of service hours are volunteered annually.)


My high school already has more than one service club. Why should we add a Key Club?

First, and most importantly, high schools can only benefit by having more clubs provide positive service opportunities for students. Multiple service clubs can, when properly encouraged, produce a synergy of service to a school and community. Second, Key Club is one of the few organizations that actually is a student-led organization from top to bottom. That means the members elect the officers and pay the dues. This is a great way to teach real responsibility and leadership. 


What’s the cost for chartering a new Key Club?

The chartering fee for new Key Clubs is US $600 and must be paid at the time of chartering. This fee includes the membership pins, cards, handbooks, certificates, a gong, gavel and banner.


How many members are needed to start a new Key Club?

Fifteen is all it takes; however, no more than one-half can graduate in the same year.


Can I start a Key Club in a community organization?

Yes. If a Key Club cannot be formed in a traditional school setting, other options are available. Clubs can meet in libraries, churches, temples, synagogues, Boys and Girls Clubs, YMCA/YWCA or other suitable meeting spaces as long as appropriate supervision is provided.


What kind of service projects can a Key Club undertake?

There is almost no limit to the scope and nature of Key Club service projects. The Key Club website (, Key Club magazine, and conventions all offer ideas for service opportunities. Better yet, begin by looking around your school for existing needs.


Where can I find service project ideas?

You can use the internet to find some ideas or simply go here to find a list of projects.


Where can I find bylaws, templates, scholarship applications and other resources for my club?

Lots of helpful resources can be found in the resources section of the website. If you still can't find what you're looking for, try the Key Club International website

International Convention

The Key Club International convention is an annual four-day, four-night event that brings together members of Key Club International. This convention serves as a platform for thousands of members from around the world to gather and engage in a variety of activities aimed at fostering leadership, community service and personal development. Attendees participate in workshops, seminars and interactive sessions that focus on honing leadership skills and promoting fundraising and service initiatives. The convention also acts as a foundation for networking, allowing Key Club members to connect with peers from other districts and share ideas.





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