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On this page you can find resources specific to your local club, like club officer training guides, Key Club membership handbook, advisor guides, and information on applying for district awards and contests.

training guides

To make sure Key Club is running smoothly, officers must be well prepared for their job. Click on each officer title to see the training guide for that position.  Training guides will help you learn what is expected of you as a club officer and how you can be successful. 

Club officer guides:

Other guides:

club awards

To apply for club level district and international recognition, send the application form to the district administrator before the annual district convention.

individual contests

To apply for individual district and international contests, send the following application form to the district administrator before the annual district convention.  The talent and oratory contests form need to be turned in at the district convention.

International Convention

The Key Club International convention is an annual four-day, four-night event that brings together members of Key Club International. This convention serves as a platform for thousands of members from around the world to gather and engage in a variety of activities aimed at fostering leadership, community service and personal development. Attendees participate in workshops, seminars and interactive sessions that focus on honing leadership skills and promoting fundraising and service initiatives. The convention also acts as a foundation for networking, allowing Key Club members to connect with peers from other districts and share ideas.





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